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Entebbe Early Learning School is 100% funded by Student Tuition and by grants from the private charity "Love and Care for the Child Ministries" (LCCM). We do not receive financial support from any other Government, Religious or NGO source.

There are many ways how you can support us. You can sponsor a child's education at Early Learning School or at a Secondary School. You can help us finish our remaining buildings. You can support us with providing food for the children. But you can also just donate something for curricular activities or festivities.

If you are interested in supporting one of our children, all the information about our school fees can be found in this document.

Your Scholarship will benefit one child directly, but it is also for every single person that child will help throughout his or her life ... it's truly a gift that will bear fruit for many years - and for many lives!

Your gift can be sent securely by International Bank Transfer ...
would you like to fund a Scholarship at Entebbe Early Learning School ...?

Since 1993

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