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These photographs will give you a glimpse into daily life here at EELS - both in and outside the Classroom!

Field Trips
  • Nurses and Midwives Association
  • The AIDS Support Organization
  • Special Projects
  • Children's AIDS Funds
  • After Class
  • Tailoring
  • Making Liquid Soap
  • Candle Making Group
  • Paper Bead Making
  • The Teachers and Staff encourage the children to get involved in activities which might help them when they grow up. One of these is looking after ducks and Chickens and we are grateful to the friends who support us in one way or another.

    The swimming ducks made the children happy. They must feed and clean the pond for the ducks - but first you have to get them out of the water ...!

    Keegan Scholte is an American teenager who lived barefoot for a whole year to raise money for shoes for the children of Uganda ... and in September 2012 he brought 150 pairs of new shoes to the students at Early Learning School ...

    Details and Photos

    We began our "Piggery Project" in 2013 with 10 piglets, and thanks to the Binda Foundation grant, we fenced an area for the animals, and repaired the building that is their stye.

    This kind of project blesses us in many ways: the children learn practical and valuable skills caring for the animals ... we have a source of food for our students and faculty ... and we have animals to sell in Entebbe to add income for the school. A WIN-WIN-WIN situation ...!

    Raising pigs is not only a tremendous learning experience for the children - it also has an impact on our food and meals. The manure from the pig stye is collected and used to fertilize our gardens - increasing the crop yield. We have grown and harvested 45 watermelons in the last 60 days - a real treat for the children ...!

    A young Ugandan enterprenuer from Renwillis Rour & Travel visited our school recently and gave all the older girls pads ... she promised that she would continue to help. We are so grateful to have such passionate young people as friends and supporters ...

    Basketball comes to EELS ...! Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Preuss and St. Luke's High School in Australia, we now have basketball hoops on our playground - future members of the Uganda Olympic Basketball Team ...!

    Our school was chosen to host the United Nations celebration of Nelson Mandela's Birthday in Entebbe. Honored Guests included the Deputy Mayor of Entebbe, the Council Chairman, and several representatives of the UN.

    As part of the Celebration, they joined people around the world by volunteering for 67 minutes - the number of years Mandela spent fighting apartheid in South Africa ... our sincere thanks to the many friends who contributed food items and school supplies - and who joined in to paint the school ...!

    Our "Piggery Project", started with a grant from the Guido A. and Elizabeth H. Binda Foundation, has become a very successful endeavor ... we celebrated Easter Sunday with Pork Dinner - and had fresh meat left over to sell, which raised money to buy more feed for our growing herd of pigs.

    Give a person a fish and he will come back for more; give a hook and he will not come back. Our friends who contributed money to help us harvest water and plant food have been a blessing; one of the foods we planted was yellow bananas -- the children really enjoy them. We appreciate help of this kind because it increases our independence ...

    Plaiting hair is a skill - and every young lady with long hair wants to learn how to do it!

    The accademic achievements of the older students at EELS were especially good this past semester ... Yvette Muhorakeye received an Academic Scholarship to Seroma Christian High School (one of the best High Schools in Uganda). We are very proud of her achievements: she placed first in her stream and 5th in the entire class of over 200 students. It's very important to us that the children learn by understanding concepts, and not by rote drilling.

    Congratulations, Yvette ...!

    The children of Early Learning School held a fund-raiser which solved a problem - not every student who received a new pair of shoes could afford a new pair of socks. But the fundraiser worked - socks for all their fellow students who needed them!

    Every year our EELS children visit the School for Special Needs in Entebbe ... this year, they took food with them, and everyone shared a picnic on the grass. This is one of the ways we teach children to care for those less previllaged in our community. It was a very special occasion - for the students at the school, and for our EELS children ...

    We have special needs children at EELS, too ... Jennifer (on the left, being held by Muwanguzi Deborah in the blue shirt) suffers from what may be Marfan Syndrome. Jennifer came to us after being physically abused by her mother, who didn't understand her daughter's handicap. EELS is now a happy home for this very bright - and safe! - young girl ...

    Child abuse is a worldwide problem, and Uganda - indeed, all of Africa - is not exempt. There is a growing international community of concerned people who are working very hard for childrens' rights, both on the ground (rescuing abused children) and through education (international foundations). Our school is a safe haven for these children, where the students and staff provide not only the education they lack, but also the safe environment and the love they need ...

    Thanks to the generosity of Mr. England, we now have a small water filtration station - by itself, not remarkable, except that this means we no longer have to boil our drinking water ...! "Like ripples in a pond ..." -- not only does this deliver cleaner water for all the children, it also means we use much less firewood than before - no boiling, remember ...?

    God Bless you, Mr. England ...

    We've had our 45,000 liter water reclamation tank for two years now, and it has blessed us in two ways: we have our own reliable supply of water, and our cost to purchase water from the City has dropped dramatically ... the Entebbe Water District crews visited us recently to see if our meter had broken -- their only explanation for a Zero water bill the month before ...! We are adding a "rough cast" to the exterior of the tank to extend its life ...

    We want to thank all those who gave us money to plant food here at the school ... our garden produced potatoes, pumpkins, maize and turnips - all of which made for a healthy diet this year ...! The children learned about seeds, planting and germination, then tending to the plants - then harvesting, and best of all -- eating ...!

    Left: Nansibirwa Moreen from SOS Community village harvesting

    Right: Reponse holding turnips

    One of our proudest moments - Favour Mirembe (center) has received her Bachelor of Education degree. Favour graduated from Early Learning School in 2002, and is now working as a Literature Teacher at St. Mary's Kitende, one of the largest schools in Uganda.

    We held a Graduation Party for her at the school, and all our tears were tears of joy for her accomplishments -- and of happiness for all the children whose lives she will impact.

    Congratulations, Favour -- we love you ...

    Kaketo Tony has been confined to his home for 5 years - until a young girl from the United States, Elena Romero, sent Tony a wheelchair - which has given him freedom!

    The first photo to the right is Tony with his mother ... click on either thumbnail to see a larger copy of the picture. The wheelchair is indeed a blessing for Tony ...

    The pupils at school rescued two dogs ... the children took them to the dog clinic and had them treated. Then they built a house for the dogs ...this is a learning experience and very responsible behaviour for all the students ... and the 2 puppies now have a healthy life ahead of them! Very few of our students ever even dreamed about being able to swim - yet here they are, taking to the water like children everywhere ...! More ...
    Thanks to the generousity of friends in Australia and England, EELS now has a Computer Lab! The students are very excited about the computer lessons - even the Kindergarten pupils take classes! We also received a laptop which will be ... more ... Every 6 months, Nurses from Entebbe General hospital visit the school to check up on the children's health and administer neede vitamin supplements. It is a good exercise, as it helps ensure the physical well being of the students, and is a tremendous help to those parents who are unable to buy the drugs themselves.

    In spite of the drought and inflation, we have been blessed with a huge crop of mangoes growing right on the school grounds ... this experience is the same no matter what country you are in - you can taste the fruit just looking at the faces of the children biting into big, juicy mangoes ...!!!
    We have introduced another foreign language - German - and a volunteer from Germany, Valentina, is teaching Introductory German to our Primary 2 and 3 classes. Our newly refurbished Library is now very conducive to study ... and some play - our children have discovered Jig Saw Puzzles ...!!!

    The Childrens Aid Fund Club at Early Learning School received beautiful T-shirts and drums -- the intruments help them promote their cause. Our CAF Club is the most active in Entebbe ... more ...
    Our own Chachiga Agustine was in First Place in long jump - the best in the whole municipality - and now he will be going to the Uganda National Competition. more ...
    The new kitchen is a wonderful addition to the school on many levels - less wood means fewer trees to be cut down ... more heat means larger quantities of food can be cooked in less time ... and "almost smokeless" - our children and the air quality in Entebbe all gain from that ...!!! more ...

    Several of the children in the school are learning to play the flute (this one is sometimes called a "recorder") with the help of Simona, a volunteer from Germany ... more ...

    We have many friends from around the world, who play very important roles in our growth - and the entire Preuss Family from Australia are special friends. More ...

    Maren and Finn, our visiting Australian teachers, took the students on a field trip to a nearby amusement center, Didi's World. Every one of the children had a wonderful time ...!!! More ...

    The primary seven pupils completed their Primary Leaving Examinations (P.L.E) - here are some photos of their last day at the school ... more ...
    More P7 Graduation "Celebration" photos ... it is with a mixture of happiness, pride and sorrow that we send them to their next challenge -- we are confident that they are as well prepared for the future as we can make them ... More ...

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